Easy Peasy Gardening for Kids

Easy Peasy Gardening for Kids

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SKU: 978-3-89955-824-1

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SKU: 978-3-89955-824-1 Categories: , ,

„Easy peasy gardening for kids“
Author: Kirsten Bradley
Age: 5-7 years

Gardening can be a lot of fun for kids! Easy Peasy is packed full of inspiring and simple activities for every curious young gardener, whether you have a backyard, a balcony, or a windowsill. You can experience the wonders of nature by planting a seed and watching it grow into a flower, by picking delicious fresh berries in the summer or making a bird feeder to help hungry small birds in the spring. Why not make a terrarium in a jar for your bedroom or keep a wildlife diary and observe the beauty of nature up close and personal? Wherever you live and no matter what time of year, Easy Peasy invites you to dig your hands into the dirt and explore the world around you!

Dimensions 26 × 21 cm

3-6 years, 6-10 years


In English


Non-fiction, Picture books

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