Babar’s Guide To Paris
Į pageidaujamų sąrašąAutorius: Laurent de Brunhoff
Babar the elephant, one of the most beloved and classic characters in children’s literature, showcases his favorite parts of the City of Lights in this memorable trip to Paris, France. Laurent de Brunhoff’s Paris is filled with charming elephants on every page as they enjoy all the sights and sounds of one of Europe’s most popular cities. This all-new full-color picture book, rendered in beautiful watercolors, evokes the classic feel of the bestselling Babar’s Museum of Art, and it will become a must-have read for fans of Babar, those planning a family trip to Paris, and anyone new to the wondrous world of Babar.
When Babar’s youngest daughter, Isabelle, heads to Paris on her own for the first time, he tells her how to enjoy the iconic city to the fullest. An expert Francophile, Babar recommends food, including cafes, street markets, and brassieres; he also offers the best sightseeing tips, especially observing the Eiffel Tower from every angle, walking along the banks of the Seine, visiting the Louvre and Orangerie museums, and exploring the Luxembourg Gardens. There’s even a postcard-perfect opening scene that features the Babar family visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral on a previous vacation. Babar also gives local advice. He tells Isabelle how apartment buildings work, why an elephant may be surprised by the size of an elevator, how to take the metro, how to find a restaurant to call your own, and to walk—walk as much as possible to see everything that Paris has to offer. In the end, Isabelle is encouraged to enjoy her travels, but she is also lovingly reminded to always come home to Celesteville and her family. Like other classic children’s books featuring international adventures, including Madeline in London and Eloise in Paris, readers will be eager to take the trip to Paris with Babar.
Amžius | 3-6 metai, 6-10 metai |
Kalba | Anglų kalba |
Tipas | Iliustruotos knygos, Lavinamosios ir edukacinės knygos |
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