In My Room
Į pageidaujamų sąrašąAutorius: Jo Witek
Iliustravo: Christine Roussey
Amžius: 3-5 metai
A tribute to the power and importance of imaginative play, from the creators of the New York Times bestselling book In My Heart. Part of the Growing Hearts series!
In her room, a little girl can be anything she wants to be and go anywhere she wishes to go, all with the power of her imagination (and paper, markers, and crayons, of course!). She can go on safari or sail the seven seas. She can be a doctor or a teacher. The sky’s the limit!
- Be an explorer but beware of the crocodiles!
- Be a race car driver!
- Be a princess!
- Head to your office and type on your keyboard and answer the phone!
- Be a veterinarian and bandage a kitty!
- Play guitar in a band!
- Or just head to the beach.
With an imagination, anything is possible.
And when the day is over, she can become a little girl again, safe in her room. Like the classic Where the Wild Things Are, this charming picture book celebrates imagination as a means to try on different identities and work through difficult emotions, all while having fun.
The Growing Hearts series celebrates the milestones of a toddler’s emotional development, from conquering fears and expressing feelings to welcoming a new sibling.
Amžius | 3-6 metai |
Kalba | Anglų kalba |
Tipas | Iliustruotos knygos |
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