Little People, Big Dreams: Women in Art
Į pageidaujamų sąrašąAutorė: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Aprašymas lietuvių kalba – jau greitai
Meet three inspirational women from the world of art: Frida Kahlo, Coco Chanel, and Audrey Hepburn! This boxed gift set of three hardcover books from the internationally best-selling Little People, BIG DREAMS series introduces little dreamers to the lives of these incredible women who worked in the arts…and changed the world.
In these remarkable true stories, learn how three women overcame hardship to achieve great success in the arts. Frida—despite having polio as a child and, later, being injured in a terrible road accident—went on to become one of the most famous artists of the twentieth century. Coco spent her early life at an orphanage, where she was taught how to use a needle and thread. She followed her passion to make her name as a world-famous fashion designer and style icon. Audrey, after living through the hardships of World War Two, began acting in plays and films, eventually becoming an iconic Hollywood star. Each of these moving books features stylish and quirky illustrations and extra facts at the back, including a biographical timeline with historical photos and a detailed profile of the woman’s life.
Amžius | 10+, 3-6 metai, 6-10 metai |
Kalba | Anglų kalba |
Tipas | Grožinė literatūra, Iliustruotos knygos, Lavinamosios ir edukacinės knygos |
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