Planes – From the Wright Brothers to the Supersonic Jet
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Budding aviation fans will pore over every page of this fascinating encyclopedic guide to the history and mechanics of flight, from the Wright Brothers to the Concorde.
How does a plane move through the air? What is turbulence? What do those lines on the runways mean? All these questions and many more are answered in this gorgeously illustrated history of planes and flight. The book opens with a basic introduction to plane anatomy and shows how aircrafts have developed over the ages. Readers will then learn about aerodynamics, the mechanics of wing shape and lift, and how ailerons, propellers, and flaps work. There’s even a section on communications systems, runway design, and GPS. Profiles of famous historic planes illustrate basic principles throughout the book. Readers will find out about record-breaking flights across continents and oceans; how „flying wings” evolved into the B-2 bomber; and where the world’s most treacherous runways are located. A section on experimental aircraft looks at zeppelins, flying cars, and the fate of the Concorde jet. Jan van der Veken’s lushly colored, retro drawings detail everything from plane design to the physics of flight and provide the perfect companion to his engaging text. Budding aviators will linger over every detail of this information-packed book that serves both to demystify and celebrate the miracle of flight.
About the Author
Jan van der Veken designs book covers and posters and creates illustrations for newspapers and magazines, including two New Yorker covers. When van der Veken is not drawing, you can find him high in the sky, piloting a plane. In 2016 he received the Culture Prize from his hometown of Ghent, Belgium.
Išmatavimai | 28 × 23 cm |
Amžius | 3-6 metai, 6-10 metai |
Tipas | Iliustruotos knygos, Lavinamosios ir edukacinės knygos |
Kalba | Anglų kalba |
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