What is Love?
Į pageidaujamų sąrašąAutoriai: Mac Barnett, Carson Ellis
Anžius: 3-6 metai
A tender, funny tale celebrating all forms of love from award-winning and bestselling author-illustrator duo Mac Barnett and Carson Ellis.
“What is love?” a young boy asks. “I can’t answer that,” his grandmother says, and so the boy goes out into the world to find out. But while each person he meets—the fisherman, the actor, and others—has an answer to his question, not one seems quite right. Could love really be a fish, or applause, or the night? Or could it actually be something much closer to home?
A CLASSIC LOVE STORY: A wonderful narrative voice and spectacular pictures give this book the feel of a modern classic.
A BOOK THAT KIDS AS WELL AS PARENTS WILL ENJOY: This book begins from the child’s perspective, and it’s funny and unexpected in ways that children can relate to, while being thoughtful in ways that adults will appreciate.
A STORY GRANDMOTHERS WILL LOVE: The boy’s grandmother is an essential part of this story. Grandmothers everywhere will appreciate what this book says about their wisdom and affection.
A BOOK ABOUT FINDING YOURSELF: The boy’s journey takes him to many different people, whose descriptions of what love means to them is very much about how they see themselves and their lives.
A GREAT READ-ALOUD: The engaging text is full of surprises and the distinctive voice of the narrator invites audiences to respond.
STAR TALENT: Mac Barnett is a New York Times bestselling author and Carson Ellis is a Caldecott Honor–winner and illustrator of some of the most interesting and beautiful children’s books published today.
Amžius | 3-6 metai |
Kalba | Anglų kalba |
Tipas | Iliustruotos knygos |
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